This page will be for discussing the operational aspects of BozKennel-USA. Understand we are just figuring this out and have to grow as we encounter things we have not even thought of yet, consider legal protections and gain direction from observations.
As BozKennel-USA grows and expands the need for people interested in taking up some of the duties may arise. Right now we are very much in the formative stage and are trying to figure out the best paths for structure and legal protections. Sadly, the most expensive and time-consuming part of developing anything like this is at the beginning when money is the tightest. This has the potential to become quite expansive, especially once the quality of dog produced is made apparent.
These are some random proposals but understand modification may be necessary.
Anyone choosing to enter into the BozKennel-USA breed model firstly would not be committed to having every dog in their operation part of the model. But any progeny of the model will by default be part of the model. Dogs of outside genetics can through an application and contractual process be accepted in or bred with BozKennel-USA dogs.
Any dogs purchased from within the model will have certain obligations to meet if requested.
For MALES it is far less complicated in that if the qualities of the male are identified health testing and possibly semen collection may be requested for the vetting process. If the owner pays for the health testing and collection they can be compensated with a pup or stud fee. If BozKennel-USA covers the expenses, it can be deducted from the stud fee.
For FEMALES it is far more complicated as many things have to be considered. Housing, containment, safety, owner’s knowledge level and time to name a few. Owners of females can be encouraged to breed at least once if their female is of exceptional stock. Expenses could be covered to assist in the process.
Owners deciding to not be part of BozKennel-USA can do so as described above but will be prevented from breeding. This will include both males and females and will be covered in the contract. DNA profile will be made of every dog born or brought into the model and will assist in identifying any mating’s made outside the bounds of the model.